EasyWeb LMS is a web-based Learning Management System generated out of the EasyWeb Conceptual and Implementation Framework. It is a collection and integration of modules & services from EasyWeb Catalog itself or other third-party providers, federated in a unified user working place.
"Just the right balance between online learning and traditional learning."
EasyNet is generated on top of the EasyWeb "BaseLine" Product. It is a collection of software modules, tools, and services, developed from Ark IT or other vendors. All these components, integrated together form an Information System which provides a working, communication, and collaboration environment for closed user groups.
"...from social community culture to proffesional community and networking..."
EasyWeb IMS (Information Management System) is a generic application profile product. It can be configured to behave as a Content, Document, Knowledge, or Case Management System. In this context, it provides primarily information creation & storage, Authorization & Security, Workflow, versioning, metadata, as well as indexing, distribution and retrieval capabilities in an integrated environment.
"...the today challenge is not about finding the information..., it is about finding the relevant one..."